Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29, 2012

My ex has closed on her condo; she was able to cut $2k off the price because the water heater was 17 years old - kool, she just had a guy in to replace it for a cost of $1,000. It is a super efficient and earthquake proofed and it has already paid for itself!! She called to let me know she had to wait for the installation and might not make it 'home' - I said I would come by to get her if she wanted; on the way home, we were chatting and I missed a hitch in the road and hit a curb at about 30 and blew a tire. Heh,heh - what a bummer but I made sure to let her know there was 'no blame' it was just something that happened and not to worry or let it bother her, it did not bother me.

I have finished most of my ballot - I think I just have a couple odd technical votes to work out. So I guess I have almost done my duty, just need to get it into the mail. We here in Washington almost completely vote my mail. I miss the community of going to my polling place and chatting with neighbors but we don't have to deal with east coast anti-voter hysteria (okay, okay, Ohio is not east coast but all those states over there sort of blur together).

Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 27,2012

Well, Mrs. Grumpy closed yesterday on her condo. We had breakfast this morning at the 4 Spoons, picked up some kitty litter, and went by the condo today. It is pretty nice - I am kind of jealous; it has 2 bedroom + a bonus room, a narrow deck that faces south so it will be pretty warm in the summer, has a fire-place yadda,yadda,yadda. The lease on our current apartment does not expire until February so she has plenty of time to get the place ready for her to move in. So, enough about that for now.

This is V.I. - she is our rescue kitty from PAWS KittyCity; we have had her for a couple of years now (yes, she does not look too happy in this picture - she is normally in a better mood but - who wants a vet poking and prodding them?). Since Mrs. Grumpy owns her place, I think it is best for VeeVee to go with her - probably permanently since just getting kitty healthy has been a work in progress and I don't want to upset her too much by moving her from here to there to another place - or, worse yet, try to share her back and forth. Kitty is kind of bi-polar in that sometimes she is very quiet and hides and at other times she is active and runs around. At her low times she will not come into the bedroom at night; on high times she sleeps on us - spends sometime purring on Mrs.'s hips and moves onto my chest to purr and get some petting. She loves her Greenies so were have (mostly) trained her to use the litter box - whenever we see her using it, we put some greenies down for her. Sometimes, she only goes into the box to move some litter around like she is doing something then hops out for her treat - that's okay with us as long as she does not pee or poo on the carpet.

I have worked the entire year so far - no furlough this year due to all the ID theft/fraudulent returns filed; Seattle was one of 2 sites in the US and we handled 80% of the nation's IDTheft calls. It has been pretty tough spending 8 hours a day trying to help people who have had a fraudulent return filed - way too many people depend on getting their tax refund to cover expenses and it takes about 204 days just for a caseworker to get assigned. And the people who perpetuate the fraud - it is a federal crime worth up to 5 years + up to $250,000 per incident and some of these people filed hundreds of returns. Plea deals can get the sentences reduced to 10 years or so. Penalties for purposeful tax fraud can be up to 75% of the amount received. And it goes on and on - there is a law moving through congress to add tax fraud to the list of offenses as a predicate for aggravated id theft that requires a minimum of 2-5 years mandatory sentencing guidelines. Since I am not legally trained do not hold me to any of the details since each case would be prosecuted on its own merits and plea deals save everyone time and money.