For the longest time, my motto was 'an examined life is not worth living' see #1. I believed this until I was in my 60s - why? Because there was this big emptiness inside of me - there was no me inside of me, just a vast wasteland. I read books - hell, I read one entire encyclopedia from cover to cover for each of 3 years (worked out perfectly, the library ran out of them just as I graduated - I graduated 52nd in my class.
Number 53 did not graduate, there were only 53 in my class.) I read philosophy books, I read science books, I read books about parapsychology, meditation, to no great affect. I did read about some interesting concepts in meditation ("first there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is a mountain") that even went on about facing the emptiness within. I went to counselors and bullshitted them; they would test me and i would use my mental Tai chi to turn it around on them but never, ever let them see the emptiness inside (oh, crap - did I just quote the Moody Blues?
"If only you knew what's inside of me now You wouldn't want to know me, somehow But you will love me tonight We alone will be all right In the end"
that is not the quote I was looking for but it fit me to a tee from age 22 to 38 - they did love me for the night but they all went away)
Things actually started to get better for me when I started to actually talked with someone who listened and did not judge.
I can not watch an embarrassing situation developing on an effing
sit-com! I am bingeing on Unbreakable Kimmy and every time the setup
heads for embarrassment, I get freaked out. This behavior is really
beginning to grate on my nerves. When my ex and I would sit down to
watch a show, I would have to get up and leave the room - I just
fast-forwarded part of Kimmy. My stomach is all tensed up. Crap! I
forget about it until it sneaks up and kicks me in the gut.
This is incredibly Pavlovian. I wonder how deep I am going to need to dig to find what buried humiliation lead me to this impasse. I have the ability to hide things from myself for later - in times of stress, I can actually observe myself going through certain actions and commenting on my behavior; other times, I completely block out what happened until later. The implication of this is (in a certain way) frightening but mostly confusing since I don't know that I blocked something until I determine it is 'safe' to remember. I neither believe nor disbelieve in recovered memories and am not sure this is the proper direction to look.
I am already seeing a therapist but this is a short-term thing, his job is to find a direction to look and, maybe, a long-term therapist. Adding this to a list issues just leaves me motionless. Cascading possibilities branching through multiple paths leaving me feeling like an experimental rat that is shocked randomly so it/I can't figure out the direction of least pain.
sigh, I think I need to melt some glass and make more puddles.
This is incredibly Pavlovian. I wonder how deep I am going to need to dig to find what buried humiliation lead me to this impasse. I have the ability to hide things from myself for later - in times of stress, I can actually observe myself going through certain actions and commenting on my behavior; other times, I completely block out what happened until later. The implication of this is (in a certain way) frightening but mostly confusing since I don't know that I blocked something until I determine it is 'safe' to remember. I neither believe nor disbelieve in recovered memories and am not sure this is the proper direction to look.
I am already seeing a therapist but this is a short-term thing, his job is to find a direction to look and, maybe, a long-term therapist. Adding this to a list issues just leaves me motionless. Cascading possibilities branching through multiple paths leaving me feeling like an experimental rat that is shocked randomly so it/I can't figure out the direction of least pain.
sigh, I think I need to melt some glass and make more puddles.
I know the stories I tell myself are the stories I have to change; I started my 'Random Acts of Art' project to change the 'I am not a nice person' story - I catch myself at that story fewer times now but i still tell it, sigh. Baby steps.
Yes! I, also, get really upset over scenes of helplessness - I am so glad that "Kimmy" glossed over the pre-rescue with "yes there was weird sex stuff" and just did not go there. I don't worry about what I am hiding from myself; I expect it will come up when it is necessary.
Today, i was making glass puddles of one of my monsters (the kind I call crackheads) and the glass stuck to the top of the kiln. I just have to either remember the restraints within which I work in this particular kiln or increase the working dimensions - working within constraints is good for learning control but glass needs at least +10% volume over filling the mold (even more boring details glossed over) so if I want to cast glass in a 2 inch deep most, I have to stack glass half an inch over the top of the mold which then touches the top of the kiln. Usually, it works out because the glass subsides into the mold but today, the piece did not subside, it adhered to the top of the kiln.
but I digress. I will be spending the week of my birthday in in the mountains of Montana with my sis and bil. Then we will go to their home in Wyoming to watch the eclipse.
I consider meditation to be the elephant in the room; I talk to people who hear me describe what I do and they say your elephant is not like my elephant therefore what you are doing is not the elephant.
I learned to meditate while at a monastery school when I was 15; we prayed on our knees for hours; I learned to watch the second hand of the clock. I eventually was able to be 'gone' within 5 seconds; now I can lie down and let my thoughts wander - I do not hold on to them nor do I let them go, they just are. I love this state but too much. I can spend a day just wandering.
Since my elephant is not their elephant i still do not know if I am meditating and they say what I am doing is not meditation!?
I am schizoid (at least that is the diagnosis in 1969) so I understand you - I do not understand your friends (but I have never understood my friends either). There are feelings that other people talk about that I am unable to understand; there are feelings that I have that other people do not (or at least appear not to have). There is nothing wrong with you.
The struggle is the be-all and end-all of it - find your joy.
*Post titled "I know I am but what are you?"
(did you catch the play on words?)
I am not a nice person.
I know this because it is what I have been told all my life
I see it in how people react to me; I see it in how I perceive others; and it is what I tell myself all the time. (every once in a while, I catch myself saying "I am not a good person" phrased in different ways).
Please do not reply to say "You are a good person":
1) you don't know me
b) if telling me that helped, it would not be an issue.
I am here shouting into the universe (sounds remarkably like shouting into a large/huge metal pipe - the echoes reverberate off into the distance and return, amplified).
I started a project which, for lack of a better name, I call "Random acts of art". I give away objects I make. It is actually pseudo-random since I have to have some sort of connection. Example, I was going to pick up my contacts at the eye-glass place and I was going to say "I have a project I call random acts of art" and leave a random collection of glass objects (a skull, a star, a t-rex, and a couple other items - I forget what all) but the person who I normally talk to was not there and I had no connection to the person who I dealt with so I left w/o doing or saying anything. Also, it has to be some place I do not go very often because I do not want a big deal made of it.
I have given a lot of items away at work - that is comfortable because my job is so intense that I barely get to speak with my team (who are as busy as I am) so I seldom get a chance to interact with any one else (I am a seasonal worker so I have a new team every year; with 12 people to a team and I have been here 7 years - #s).
Sometimes, when I interact with someone like a person at an airline desk at the airport (and who helps me) I ask them "skull or heart"? It is so out of the blue and so not a normal customer interaction that I have to ask a couple times while they stop, see me as an individual, and pay attention - oddly, most ask for the skull, though the woman in Montana asked for the heart (I told her, next time she has to take the skull). I had to give this method up b/c there were not enough of these interactions to help me get rid of all the crap I have made.
See, I make glass puddles and my joy is looking into the kiln to see the world at 1,750 degs F but I end up with glass objects. I have this crap all over my apt - on the window sills, hanging on the windows, hanging on my door, little dioramas at work.
So, I think that if I give away some pieces of myself in my art/craft (if it is perfect, it is craft - if not, it is art - heh,heh), maybe, just maybe I might become a nice person.
Or at least be perceived as one - time for bed
I am not a nice person.
I know this because it is what I have been told all my life
I see it in how people react to me; I see it in how I perceive others; and it is what I tell myself all the time. (every once in a while, I catch myself saying "I am not a good person" phrased in different ways).
Please do not reply to say "You are a good person":
1) you don't know me
b) if telling me that helped, it would not be an issue.
I am here shouting into the universe (sounds remarkably like shouting into a large/huge metal pipe - the echoes reverberate off into the distance and return, amplified).
I started a project which, for lack of a better name, I call "Random acts of art". I give away objects I make. It is actually pseudo-random since I have to have some sort of connection. Example, I was going to pick up my contacts at the eye-glass place and I was going to say "I have a project I call random acts of art" and leave a random collection of glass objects (a skull, a star, a t-rex, and a couple other items - I forget what all) but the person who I normally talk to was not there and I had no connection to the person who I dealt with so I left w/o doing or saying anything. Also, it has to be some place I do not go very often because I do not want a big deal made of it.
I have given a lot of items away at work - that is comfortable because my job is so intense that I barely get to speak with my team (who are as busy as I am) so I seldom get a chance to interact with any one else (I am a seasonal worker so I have a new team every year; with 12 people to a team and I have been here 7 years - #s).
Sometimes, when I interact with someone like a person at an airline desk at the airport (and who helps me) I ask them "skull or heart"? It is so out of the blue and so not a normal customer interaction that I have to ask a couple times while they stop, see me as an individual, and pay attention - oddly, most ask for the skull, though the woman in Montana asked for the heart (I told her, next time she has to take the skull). I had to give this method up b/c there were not enough of these interactions to help me get rid of all the crap I have made.
See, I make glass puddles and my joy is looking into the kiln to see the world at 1,750 degs F but I end up with glass objects. I have this crap all over my apt - on the window sills, hanging on the windows, hanging on my door, little dioramas at work.
So, I think that if I give away some pieces of myself in my art/craft (if it is perfect, it is craft - if not, it is art - heh,heh), maybe, just maybe I might become a nice person.
Or at least be perceived as one - time for bed
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